Sunday, September 30, 2012

Crazy busy Sunday!

With so much going on, it seems like there needs to be more hours in the day.  Helping the wife with the website and being a lineman, you can probably imagine I am, like most, not very tech savvy.  But we are very happy with how things are looking and the amount of support we have gotten in such a short period of time since it's been up and running.

Tomorrow will be a first for me as I am going to be attending chainsaw training.  I hear it is a good class and very informative for the open-minded; but I have cut a lot of trees in my life and my fair share of pole tops, without incident, so maybe I'm doing something right?  Seems like this industry is getting a little carried away with the red tape lately.  Makes it kind of hard to do our jobs, but gives the company a paper trail so they can show how safety is so important to them.

Off to put my daughter to bed.  Going to cherish that; it is going fast.

Work Safe,


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Well it has been awhile in the making but our website is finally live!!  Who would have thought it would take so much to get something like this off of the ground.  It has been a learning experience and we are just getting started.

Going forward I will be posting about life, hobbies, construction linework and what we are up against as lineman. So basically from shark fishing to setting poles and most everything in between.  I  will also post any specials my wife may be offering on Lineman T Shirts, clothing products and lineman accessories on

Work Safe...


Saturday, September 15, 2012 offers creative, catchy, and unique t-shirts and other items to proudly display their trade.  

Plus, TRICKS OF THE TRADE, where lineman can read and possibly learn new methods of doing old things.  We are not looking to re-invent the wheel, so to speak, so some tricks you have probably heard of, others maybe not; some obvious, some not so much.  From big to small, highline to substations to distribution, we look to make your life a little easier.  We will be drawing off of a huge network of  linemen from the East Coast to the Midwest to the West Coast in search of that exciting little trick to make your life as a lineman maybe a little bit easier.

Watch this space...and checkout today!